
unusual facts about DNI

Judith Klavans

From 2005 to 2013, Klavans was Director of Human Language Technology program at the Foreign Language Program Office of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) or DNI.




! scope="row""365 dní."
(featuring Rakby and Nicole)

Director of National Intelligence

Declan McCullagh at News.com wrote on August 24, 2007, that the DNI site apparently was configured to repel all search engines to index any page at DNI.gov.

After considerable debate on the scope of the DNI's powers and authorities, the United States Congress passed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 by votes of 336–75 in the House of Representatives, and 89–2 in the Senate.

John Michael McConnell

The policy establishes rules to govern disputes when access is not granted, with the DNI as the final adjudicator to resolve disputes between organizations.He also established the Intelligence Information Integration Program (I2P) under the leadership of then-CIO Patrick Gorman and then NSA-CIO Dr. Prescott Winter.

Marek Grechuta

His song Dni, których nie znamy (The Days We Don't Know Yet) is the anthem of the football club Korona Kielce.

Matica slovenská

According to an article by Eva Mihočková published in major Slovak weekly Plus 7 Dní on October 7, 2010, there is proof that Matica slovenská lost almost all of the money (23-28 million Slovak crowns) of the so-called Slovak national treasure, by investing it through a now-bankrupt company Capital Invest, into the Podielové družstvo Slovenské investície (PDSI), a Non-bank financial institution.

Pascal Dubreuil

Pascal Dubreuil is invited for festivals such as the Printemps des Arts, the Académies musicales de Saintes, the Festival de Música Antiga in Barcelona, the festival Dni starej hudby in Bratislava or the Klavier Festival Ruhr.

Polish minority in the Czech Republic

Music festivals include Zlot in Bystrzyca, Zlot in Wędrynia and Dni Kultury Studenckiej (Days of Student Culture) in Bystrzyca.


! scope="row""365 dní."
(featuring Bacil and Nicole)

Zuzana Smatanová

She also collaborated with Desmod (song "Pár dní" from Skupinová terapia album, and song "Čiernobiela" from Kyvadlo album) and IMT Smile (songs "Suzanna" and "Úsmev a čaj (I Am Tea-Smile)" from Exotica album).

see also