
3 unusual facts about Da'i Anjudani


Among the major exponents of literature during the Anjudan revival was a poet known as Da'i Anjudani, likely a high-ranking member in the Ismaili hierarchy (hudūd), and brother Mawlana Malik Tayfur Anjudani.

Da'i Anjudani

One of the earliest mentions of Da’i Anjudani is among the record of poets compiled by Iskandar Beg Munshi during the reign of Shah Tahmasp I in the mid-16th century.

Da’i Anjudani (died c. 15th century CE) was an Ismaili poet who hailed from Anjudan, and lived in the time of the Ismaili Imam Mustansir b’illah (died 1480 CE) and likely died during the reign of the Safawid Shah Abbas.


Da'i Anjudani |

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