
3 unusual facts about Dagmar Krause

Bill Gilonis

Gilonis has also worked as a producer, sound engineer and/or musician with (among others): Robert Wyatt, News from Babel (Chris Cutler, Lindsay Cooper, Zeena Parkins, Dagmar Krause), David Thomas, Peter Blegvad, Ut, Lindsay Cooper Film Music Group, Hail and The Hat Shoes (with Catherine Jauniaux, Tom Cora, Charles Hayward, and others).

Lutz Glandien

Domestic Stories was recorded with Dagmar Krause (voice), Fred Frith (guitar and bass guitar) and Alfred Harth (saxophone and clarinet) and was Glandien and Cutler's first collaborative CD.

Tim Hodgkinson

When "Hold to the Zero Burn, Imagine" was finally recorded in 1993 it was a Henry Cow reunion of sorts because it included four members of the original band: Tim Hodgkinson, Chris Cutler, Lindsay Cooper and Dagmar Krause.

In Praise of Learning

Printed on the back of the album cover is filmmaker John Grierson's quote "Art is not a mirror – it is a hammer", and the Tim Hodgkinson 16-minute composition, "Living in the Heart of the Beast" made explicit Henry Cow's left wing political leanings, with Dagmar Krause's powerful voice adding a new dimension to their music.

see also