
unusual facts about Dali City

Five Golden Flowers

The film opens with Ah Peng (Mo Zijiang), an ethnic Bai, on his way to a festival in Dali City, Yunnan.


The dominant group in the villages were the Panthay, chiefly Hui migrants from Dali, Baoshan, Shanning, Menghua and elsewhere in southern and western Yunnan.

Yunnan–Burma Railway

:A railway, starting from Mandalay, goes north-east to the bank of the Salwin which is to be crossed at Kunlong Ferry in latitude 23 degrees 20', whence, if ever built, it is to be taken north in Chinese territory and run parallel with the prevailing strike of the mountains, due north to Tali-fu; but this line will pass through a wild thinly-peopled country and it is doubtful if a private company will be found to build it.

see also

Temples of Taichung

The Lin Family Ancestral Shrine was first built in what is now Dali City (just south of Taichung City) during Jiaqing era of the Qing Dynasty (1796-1821).