
3 unusual facts about Daniel Buren

Bettina Pousttchi

She produced an interview video with Daniel Buren in 2010 on artistic practice in public spaces Conversations in the Studio #3.

Markus Zürcher

With linear and minimalist works, he was considered an important representative of the concept art, influenced by Lawrence Weiner, Daniel Buren, Meret Oppenheim and Robert Filliou.

Modern Art Oxford

He shifted the focus to exhibitions of contemporary artists, who have included Cecily Brown, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Tracey Emin, Gary Hume, Daniel Buren, Stella Vine, Sol LeWitt and Kerry James Marshall.

Docks Art Fair

Selected artists included : Daniel Buren, Maurizio Savini, Pauline Fondevila, Jan Ros, Heather & Ivan Morison, Ivan Fayard, Françoise Pétrovich, Till Rabus, Elodie Lesourd, etc.

Galerie Kamel Mennour

In 2003, the gallery starts to diversify its programming by promoting young contemporary artists as well as established artists working in different media: Daniel Buren, Claude Lévêque, François Morellet and Martin Parr gradually integrate the gallery’s roster.

Kunsthalle Bern

The Kunsthalle gained international renown with expositions by artists such as Paul Klee, Christo, Alberto Giacometti, Henry Moore, Jasper Johns, Sol LeWitt, Gregor Schneider, Bruce Nauman and Daniel Buren, and with thematic expositions such as Harald Szeemann's When Attitudes Become Form (1969).

Les Deux Plateaux

Les Deux Plateaux, more commonly known as the Colonnes de Buren, is a highly controversial art installation created by the French artist Daniel Buren in 1985–1986.

Niele Toroni

That same year, Toroni became the founder of the BMPT (art group) made up of Daniel Buren, Olivier Mosset, Michel Parmentier, and himself.

Urbane Künste Ruhr

Urbane Künste Ruhr works together with artists like Daniel Buren, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, rAndom International, Haubitz + Zoche, and many other.

White Horse at Ebbsfleet

A shortlist was chosen on 28 January 2008 (consisting of Mark Wallinger, Rachel Whiteread, Richard Deacon, Christopher le Brun, and Daniel Buren).

see also