Daniel Boone | Daniel Webster | Daniel Patrick Moynihan | Daniel Barenboim | Daniel Defoe | Daniel Amos | Daniel | Daniel O'Connell | Daniel Libeskind | Daniel Craig | Jack Daniel's | Daniel Radcliffe | Daniel Chester French | Daniel Boulud | Daniel Dennett | Daniel Day-Lewis | Daniel Collopy | Daniel Buren | Daniel Auber | Daniel Johnston | Daniel Ellsberg | Daniel Stern | Daniel O'Donnell | Daniel Burnham | Daniel Nestor | Daniel Henney | Daniel Boone (TV series) | Daniel Spoerri | Daniel Menche | Daniel Levitin |
The Prosperity Index is reviewed and critiqued by an advisory panel of academics and scholars representing a range of disciplines and includes: Prof Tim Besley(London School of Economics); Dr. Daniel Drezner (Tufts University); Dr. Carol Graham (Brookings Institution); Dr. Edmund Malesky (University of California, San Diego); Dr. Ann Owen (Hamilton College).