
unusual facts about Daniel Muriel

Escenas de Matrimonio

Replacing Sonia (Miren Ibarguren) has been Ainhoa (Mar Saura) a divorced lawyer who will be the new partner Miguel (Daniel Muriel).

In July 2008, began broadcasting scenes of Eufemia (Marta Puig) and Ricardo (Juan Jesus Valverde), Miguel's mother (Daniel Muriel) and Sonia's father (Miren Ibarguren), respectively, which could already be seen in the series, but with Miguel (Daniel Muriel) and Sonia (Miren Ibarguren).

Since August 1, 2007, restores the original idea, issued daily in the chain Telecinco Series Escenas de Matrimonio, with great success for a hearing on the same pattern of independent and sketches in which, as a novelty, have joined David Venancio Muro in the role of Roberto, Soledad Mallol in the Marina as a middle-aged couple; Miren Ibarguren at Sonia and Daniel Muriel in the role of Miguel, and young couples.

see also