In 2009, he became lead vehicle designer for Marvel Studios' 2011 Captain America: The First Avenger, under the production design of Rick Heinrichs and creative guidance of director Joe Johnston, creating unique land, sea and air vehicles for the movie.
Paul Simon | Daniel Boone | Simon & Schuster | Simon Cowell | Carly Simon | Daniel Webster | Simon Fraser University | Daniel Patrick Moynihan | Daniel Barenboim | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Daniel Defoe | Simon | Daniel Amos | Neil Simon | Daniel | Simón Bolívar | Simon Templar | Daniel O'Connell | Simon & Garfunkel | Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester | Daniel Libeskind | Daniel Craig | Simon Furman | Jack Daniel's | Daniel Radcliffe | Daniel Chester French | Simon Rattle | Daniel Boulud | Simon de Montfort | Simon and Garfunkel |