Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz (born 1975 in Brooklyn, NY) is an American acoustic and electric, bassist and oud player who has recorded and performed extensively with Cyro Baptista's Banquet of the Spirits, Daniel Zamir's Satlah, Rashanim, and Pharaoh's Daughter, and John Zorn.
Daniel Boone | Daniel Webster | Daniel Patrick Moynihan | Daniel Barenboim | Daniel Defoe | Daniel Amos | Daniel | Daniel O'Connell | Daniel Libeskind | Daniel Craig | Jack Daniel's | Daniel Radcliffe | Daniel Chester French | Daniel Boulud | Daniel Dennett | Daniel Day-Lewis | Daniel Collopy | Daniel Buren | Daniel Auber | Daniel Johnston | Daniel Ellsberg | Daniel Stern | Daniel O'Donnell | Daniel Burnham | Daniel Nestor | Daniel Henney | Daniel Boone (TV series) | Daniel Spoerri | Daniel Menche | Daniel Levitin |