
3 unusual facts about Daniel arap Moi

Elijah Masinde

He was released by the government of Daniel arap Moi in 1978, Moi also arrested him following his clashes with traffic policemen in Webuye and Kitale.

Green Belt Movement

In 1989 the Movement took on the powerful business associates of President Daniel arap Moi.

Smith Hempstone

Hempstone worked toward these goals by fighting for multi-party elections in Kenya in 1991, nine years after Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi had banned all parties except his own.

Cecil Henry Ethelwood Miller

In 1982 he chaired a Judicial Commission appointed to inquire into allegations involving former Attorney General of Kenya Charles Mugane Njonjo after appointment by President Daniel arap Moi.

Charles Rubia

Kenneth Matiba, Rubia led the calls for multi-party democracy and was subsequently detained by President Daniel arap Moi.

Hezekiah Ochuka

Hezekiah Rabala Ochuka, (alias Awour) (July 23, 1953 – July 9, 1987) was Senior Private in the Kenya Air Force, who ruled Kenya for about six hours after planning and executing a coup against president Daniel arap Moi on August 1, 1982.

Kenyan parliamentary election, 2007

Other notable politicians with the same fate included Mutahi Kagwe, Musikari Kombo, Simeon Nyachae, Nicholas Biwott, Chris Murungaru, Mukhisa Kituyi, Raphael Tuju, Kipruto Kirwa, Njenga Karume and Gideon Moi, the son of former president Daniel arap Moi.

Nyayo Car

The project was initiated in 1986 when then president Daniel arap Moi asked the University of Nairobi to develop the vehicles.

Sammy Mwaita

A member of the Orange Democratic Movement, he was elected to the National Assembly of Kenya in the December 2007 parliamentary election, winning the seat for Baringo Central Constituency and defeating the incumbent Gideon Moi (the son of former President Daniel arap Moi).

see also