Ward is frequent speaker at Internet industry conferences including Danny Sullivan's Search Marketing Expo, Search Engine Strategies, the Direct Marketing Association, and is also known as the person Jeff Bezos selected to execute the debut publicity and linking campaign for Amazon.com.
Speakers have included Danny Sullivan (Search Engine Watch), Jeffrey Eisenberg (Future Now, Inc.), Jim Wilson (Jim World), Lucas Morea (LatinEdge), Mitch Joel (Twist Image), Scott Ferber (Advertising.com), Stephen Turner (ClickTracks), Matthew Colebourne (coComment), Brian Clifton (Google).
Gilbert and Sullivan | Danny Glover | Danny DeVito | The Ed Sullivan Show | Sullivan | Danny Kaye | Arthur Sullivan | Danny Boyle | Danny Thompson | Andrew Sullivan | Sullivan County, New York | Danny Boy | Danny Elfman | Ronnie O'Sullivan | Danny Dyer | Sullivan County | Ed Sullivan | John L. Sullivan | Gilbert O'Sullivan | Danny Bonaduce | Danny Phantom | Sullivan's Travels | Sullivan & Cromwell | John Sullivan | Maureen O'Sullivan | Danny Way | Danny John-Jules | Danny Aiello | Robert Sullivan | Nicole Sullivan |
Some critics, such as Danny Sullivan, founder of Search Engine Watch, criticize this move as a step away from the Founders Letter that was apart of Google's IPO.