
unusual facts about Daozang



Geyi is not found in the Daozang Daoist Canon, the official Twenty-Four Histories, Zizhi Tongjian reference of Chinese historiography, Gujin Tushu Jicheng imperial encyclopedia, Siku Quanshu collection (with some 888 million characters), or comprehensive digital databases of classics.

Yunji Qiqian

The (1445) Ming Dynasty edition Zhengtong daozang 正統道藏 "Zhengtong Emperor's Daoist Canon" contains the earliest known complete copy of the Yunji qiqian, which subsequent Canon editions reproduced.


Seven Cloudy Satchel" and Xu Song's (1819) Quan Tangwen 全唐文 "Complete Tang Literature". Another is in the (1444) Daozang "Daoist Canon" and (1796-1820) Daozang jiyao 道藏輯要 "Essentials of the Daoist Canon".

see also