He blasted a game-tying three-run homer off Darío Veras in the ninth inning of the Team Korea's last Round 1 game against Dominican Republic which ended with a Korea's 5-4 victory.
Dario Argento | Dario Fo | Rubén Darío | Dario Franchitti | Dario Floreano | Rubén Darío Paredes | Dario G | Darío Villalba | Darío Grandinetti | Dario Baldan Bembo | Ciudad Darío | Dario Minieri | Dario Gradi | Wilton Veras | Palazzo Dario | Me Verás Volver | Héctor Darío Benítez | FC Veras Nesvizh | Eirik Verås Larsen | Darío Veras | Dario Veras | Darío Sala | Dario Niccodemi | Dario Kordić | Dario Frommer | Dario De Toffoli | Dario Cvitanich | Darío Conca | Dario Conca | Dario Coates |
June 20, 1998: Jim Leyritz was traded by the Boston Red Sox with Ethan Faggett (minors) to the San Diego Padres for Carlos Reyes, Mandy Romero, and Dario Veras.