
9 unusual facts about Das Kapital


The term was also used by Karl Marx in his work Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (1867).

Censorship in Thailand

During the existence of the Communist Party of Thailand, books pertaining to Communism and Socialism (references to Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, or Mao Zedong) and it associated publications e.g. the Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital were banned – even to the extent of not using and/or teaching it in social sciences courses or to sociology majors.

Das Kapital

In the nineteenth century, Karl Marx’s research of the available politico-economic literature required twelve years, usually in the British Library, London.

Dimitar Blagoev

In 1905, Blagoev translated into Bulgarian the first volume of Das Kapital and a number of other works by Marx.

John Bellers

Karl Marx mentions Bellers in Chapter 25 of Das Kapital, quoting Bellers' argument that "the labour of the poor is the mines sic of the rich".

Bellers is also quoted in a footnote in Chapter 23 of Das Kapital; "Labour is as proper for the body’s health as eating is for its living ... Labour adds Oyl to the Lamp of Life when thinking Inflames it".

Lombard Street, London

Karl Marx mentions Lombard Street in reference to credit and banking in Das Kapital.

Swan River Colony

Karl Marx used the Swan River Colony to illustrate a point about a shortcoming of capitalism in Das Kapital.

Vincas Kudirka

During his studies, he was arrested as a subversive for having a copy of Das Kapital in his possession, and was expelled from the University of Warsaw, but later re-admitted.

Circle of Tchaikovsky

These literary works included the first volume of Das Kapital by Karl Marx, and books by others including Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Alexander Herzen, Pyotr Lavrov, Vasili Bervi, Ferdinand Lassalle, Charles Darwin, and John Stuart Mill.

Gerhard Stapelfeldt

In 1979 Stapelfeldt published his PhD Thesis, a reconstruction and interpretation of Karl Marx's Das Kapital with special reference to Marx's further studies and writings.

see also

Gareth Loy

Dr. Loy also composed the score for Das Kapital, a music video based on a poem by Hale Thatcher, and performed by violinist János Négyesy.