The styling of the product, including a bag designed by Pierre Cardin, implied a more up-market buyer than many of the typical PC buyers of the time.
In late 1979, the FWS purchased a Data General computer (AOS Operating System) and required MOSS to be ported from the CDC mainframe to the DG minicomputer.
General Electric | General | General Motors | Attorney General | General Hospital | Brigadier General | Governor General of Canada | Governor-General | Massachusetts General Hospital | general | United States Attorney General | general election | General Mills | brigadier general | Brigadier general (United States) | General Dynamics | Governor General | New Jersey General Assembly | United Kingdom general election, 2010 | Attorney General for England and Wales | United Nations General Assembly | United Kingdom general election, 1997 | Ontario general election, 1995 | Governor-General of Australia | GNU General Public License | General practitioner | Secretary-General | general manager | General officer | Postmaster General |
SEC was subsequently acquired by Data General Corporation, where Mundie later became director of its advanced development facility in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
The IBM Series/1 computer is a 16-bit minicomputer, introduced in 1976, that in many respects competed with other minicomputers of the time, such as the PDP-11 from Digital Equipment Corporation and similar offerings from Data General and HP.
Some notable companies at the time of the Miracle were Digital Equipment Corporation, Data General, Wang Laboratories, Prime Computer, and Apollo Computer.
DEC gave rise to a number of minicomputer companies along Massachusetts Route 128, including Data General, Wang Laboratories, Apollo Computer, and Prime Computer.
The chief engineer who designed the initial version of the PDP-8 was Edson de Castro, who later founded Data General.
In addition to IBM, Honeywell, CDC, Data General, Digital Equipment, Prime Computer, Burroughs, RCA, and Univac served on X3J1 along with major users Eastman Kodak, MITRE, Union Carbide, Bell Laboratories, and various government and university representatives.
The TMS9900 was designed as a single chip version of the TI 990 minicomputer series, much like the Intersil 6100 was a single chip PDP-8 (12 bit), and the Fairchild 9440 and Data General mN601 were both one-chip versions of Data General's Nova.
One of his chief engineers, Edson de Castro, left after failing to get permission to design a 16-bit version of the 8-bit PDP-8 and founded Data General.
Bruce Bastian, a Brigham Young University (BYU) graduate student, and BYU computer science professor Dr. Alan Ashton joined forces to design a word processing system for the city of Orem's Data General minicomputer system in 1979.
The Clariion disk array project started in the early 1990s when Tom West (the protagonist of the Pulitzer Prize winning book The Soul of a New Machine) convinced Data General to develop the array.
The two founded Satellite Systems International, Inc. of Orem, Utah to market the program to other Data General users.