Abram is founder and creative director of the Alliance for Wild Ethics (AWE); his essays on the cultural causes and consequences of ecological disarray have appeared often in such journals as Orion, Environmental Ethics, Parabola, Tikkun, and The Ecologist, as well as numerous anthologies.
DGR draws on the philosophy and writings of many authors, including Arne Næss, Richard Manning, Andrea Dworkin, Peggy Reeves Sanday, David Abram, Chellis Glendinning, Chris Hedges, Joseph Tainter, Richard Heinberg, Daniel Quinn, Zoe Blunt and Jerry Mander, among others.
David Bowie | David Lynch | David | Late Show with David Letterman | David Cameron | David Beckham | David Lloyd George | David Hume | David Hockney | David Letterman | David Byrne | David J. Eicher | David Mamet | David Foster | Late Night with David Letterman | David Ben-Gurion | Jacques-Louis David | David Guetta | David Carradine | Henry David Thoreau | David Tennant | David Niven | David Essex | David A. Stewart | David Sanborn | David Livingstone | David Garrick | David Crosby | David Attenborough | David Souter |
These principles are at the heart of an emerging ecological or holistic worldview that has been articulated by Fritjof Capra, Richard Tarnas, David Abram and many others.