
unusual facts about David Hirst

David Hirst

David Hurst (born 1926), British-German actor, best known as Rudolph the headwaiter in Hello, Dolly

Naeim Giladi

Giladi's position that the 1950–1951 Baghdad bombings were "perpetrated by Zionist agents in order to cause fear amongst the Jews, and so promote their exodus to Israel" is shared by a number of anti-Zionist authors, including the Israeli Black Panthers (1975), David Hirst (1977), Wilbur Crane Eveland (1980), Uri Avnery (1988), Ella Shohat (1986), Abbas Shiblak (1986), Marion Wolfsohn (1980), and Rafael Shapiro (1984).

Spoliation Advisory Panel

It was chaired by Sir David Hirst until April 2010, when it was reconstituted as a group of expert advisers and Sir Donnell Deeny, a member from the outset, took over as chairman.

see also