In June 2004, Lat anonymously started the website Underneath Their Robes (UTR), a gossip blog about the federal judiciary, under the pseudonym Article III Groupie (also known as A3G).
The blog also served as a clearinghouse for news and gossip about clerks for the Supreme Court, whom A3G called "the Elect."
David Bowie | David Lynch | David | Late Show with David Letterman | David Cameron | David Beckham | David Lloyd George | David Hume | David Hockney | David Letterman | David Byrne | David J. Eicher | David Mamet | David Foster | Late Night with David Letterman | David Ben-Gurion | Jacques-Louis David | David Guetta | David Carradine | Henry David Thoreau | David Tennant | David Niven | David Essex | David A. Stewart | David Sanborn | David Livingstone | David Garrick | David Crosby | David Attenborough | David Souter |