In December 2010, Plouffe received $100,000 for two speeches in Nigeria from an affiliate of the South African telecommunications company MTN Group.
In the same year he successfully managed Congressman John Olver's first re-election bid in Massachusetts.
In 2013, in response to Congressman Darrell Issa's accusations that the Obama administration knew about the IRS targeting of not-for-profit conservative groups for extra scrutiny, Plouffe tweeted: "Strong words from Mr Grand Theft Auto and suspected arsonist/insurance swindler. And loose ethically today" referring to two incidents in Issa's past.
David Plouffe, Obama's campaign manager, had previously described Hillary Clinton as the "quasi-incumbent" during the primaries.
On September 1, 2011, David Plouffe announced in an email that the White House is releasing "We the People" to allow public petitions on
David Bowie | David Lynch | David | Late Show with David Letterman | David Cameron | David Beckham | David Lloyd George | David Hume | David Hockney | David Letterman | David Byrne | David J. Eicher | David Mamet | David Foster | Late Night with David Letterman | David Ben-Gurion | Jacques-Louis David | David Guetta | David Carradine | Henry David Thoreau | David Tennant | David Niven | David Essex | David A. Stewart | David Sanborn | David Livingstone | David Garrick | David Crosby | David Attenborough | David Souter |
Formerly Axelrod and Associates, it is named after its four original partners: David Axelrod, John Kupper, David Plouffe, and John Del Cecato.