When Davide Toffolo started to play music, his native town Pordenone was already one of the most important cities for the Italian punk rock scene which emerged in the late 1970s because of the closeness of the American military base in Aviano.
Davide Rebellin | Davide Toffolo | Davide penitente | Davide Gualtieri | Davide Calandra | Hilario Davide, Jr. | Davide Xausa | Davide Somma | Davide Rossi | Davide Garbolino | Davide Fabbri | Davide Cassani | Davide Bramati |
The first about a singular and unlucky theft in a store, the second with high references, like Dr. Strangelove, the third entirely made of the cartoons by Davide Toffolo.
Guitarist and comic artist Davide Toffolo started to play music in the late '70s, when Pordenone became one of the most important cities for the Italian punk rock scene, due to its closeness to the American military base of Aviano.