The plot revolves around Bubuy (voiced by Nash Aguas) who is out to save his abducted grandparents in the land of Elementalia, a magical and mystical world that houses many of the Philippines' mythical creatures and other enchanted elements.
El Mundo | El Mundo (Colombia) | Miss Mundo Dominicana 2008 | Ciudad Mitad del Mundo | A Manhã do Mundo | Un Mundo Maravilloso | Un mundo maravilloso | Mundo Novo, Mato Grosso do Sul | Mundo Novo | Mundo Livre S/A | Entre a Mi Mundo | El Mundo (Spain) | Clodualdo del Mundo, Sr. | Clodualdo del Mundo, Jr. |
Starring Ken Shimura and Cha Kato, former members of the group The Drifters from Hachiji Dayo! Zen'in Shugo, the irreverent and satirical program would poke fun at contemporary society in Japan, and would feature comedy vignettes similar to those found on The Benny Hill Show or The Carol Burnett Show.