
unusual facts about De Profundis

Thomas William Hodgson Crosland

Crosland wrote a negative review and criticism of Wilde’s De Profundis in 1912, and ghost-wrote Douglas’s memoir Oscar Wilde and Myself in 1914.


De Profundis |

see also

Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli

Among his collectors was Oscar Wilde who, after going to prison in 1895, wrote of his bankruptcy in a letter to Lord Alfred Douglas, "De Profundis": "That all my charming things were to be sold: my Burne-Jones drawings: my Whistler drawings: my Monticelli: my Simeon Solomons: my china: my Library..."


a nickname for Lord Alfred Douglas, the lover of Oscar Wilde, addressed as such in Wilde's letter from prison, De Profundis.

Feim Ibrahimi

In 1995, his work De Profundis –composed during his residency in Salzburg– was selected for the festival of electro-acoustic music in Bourges, France.

Luxembourg Sinfonietta

2002: First prize: Ittetsu Shimizu (Japan), "Suspiria de Profundis"; second prize: Carsten Hennig (Germany), "Ausflug nach Sing-Sing"; third prize: Stéphane Altier (France), "Treize Fragments de la Danse".