Washington C. DePauw, a wealthy New Albany banker, was the original owner of the land.
The DePauw Avenue Historic District is a registered historic district just northeast of downtown New Albany, Indiana, across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky.
National Register of Historic Places | Südoststeiermark District | National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty | district | Eichsfeld (district) | Darjeeling district | Hartberg (district) | Bad Kreuznach (district) | Lake District | school district | Hildesheim (district) | Saks Fifth Avenue | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the Southern District of New York | historic district | Fifth Avenue | National Historic Landmark | Reutte (district) | Peak District | Leibnitz (district) | Perg (district) | electoral district | District | central business district | Neuwied (district) | Murau (district) | Bludenz (district) | Chittoor District | Zwettl (district) | Park Avenue |