Several Deadsoul Tribe tracks, such as "Black Smoke and Mirrors" on A Murder of Crows and "Toy Rockets" on The January Tree feature Devon Graves on flute, an instrument he picked up largely due to his admiration for Jethro Tull mainman Ian Anderson.
tribe | Tribe | Danes (Germanic tribe) | Tuscarora (tribe) | Seminole (tribe) | Abron tribe | Quraysh (tribe) | Mughal (tribe) | Sial (tribe) | Quileute (tribe) | Ottawa (tribe) | Narragansett (tribe) | Devil's Tribe | B-Tribe | Awan (tribe) | William & Mary Tribe men's basketball | William & Mary Tribe football | William & Mary Tribe | Warm Springs (tribe) | Umatilla (tribe) | Tribe of Judah | Suburban Tribe (band) | SubUrban Tribe | Spiral Tribe | Seminole Tribe of Florida | Quraysh tribe | Quinault (tribe) | Pend d'Oreilles (tribe) | Onondaga (tribe) | Monacan (tribe) |