The special focused on Santa Claus (voiced by Tom Kane) granting the wishes of children via letters from Operation Santa of the United States Postal Service, and having the kids' favorite celebrities, such as Clay Aiken, Raven-Symoné, Hilary Duff, and Tony Hawk help grant the wishes.
Santa Cruz de la Sierra | Santa Cruz | Santa Barbara, California | Santa Fe | Santa Fe, New Mexico | Santa Barbara | Santa Claus | Santa Catarina (state) | Santa Catarina | University of California, Santa Cruz | University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Cruz, California | Santa Ana | Santa Ana, California | Santa Maria | Santa Monica, California | Santa Fe Province | Santa Rosa | Santa Maria Capua Vetere | Santa Ana, El Salvador | Santa Clara University | St. John's College (Annapolis/Santa Fe) | Santa Monica | Santa Marta | Santa Clara, California | Santa Fe Trail | Santa Fe Opera | Santa Catalina Island, California | Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway | Santa Fe, Argentina |
Studios in Los Angeles, where the tracks "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "The Little Drummer Boy", "Christmas Time (Is Here Again)" and further work on "Dear Santa", were taped that day.
The moth wranglers' song “Dear Santa (Don’t Come to My House)” — featuring Kendall Jane Meade — was used in the 2008 Irish feature film How About You, directed by Anthony Byrne and starring Vanessa Redgrave, Joss Akland and Hayley Atwell.