The group took him up on it and named the building the Dearborn Observatory.
Royal Observatory, Greenwich | Dearborn, Michigan | observatory | Royal Observatory | Paris Observatory | Palomar Observatory | Yerkes Observatory | Arecibo Observatory | Siding Spring Observatory | Mount Wilson Observatory | Dearborn | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | Observatory | Harvard College Observatory | Ondřejov Observatory | Lowell Observatory | Kew Observatory | Roque de los Muchachos Observatory | Pulkovo Observatory | McDonald Observatory | Jodrell Bank Observatory | Chandra X-ray Observatory | Solar Dynamics Observatory | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | Las Campanas Observatory | European Southern Observatory | Allegheny Observatory | Vienna Observatory | United States Naval Observatory | Parkes Observatory |
In Boston, he met with Alvan Clark and purchased an 18½-inch lens and mounting for the Dearborn Observatory, at the time, the largest refracting telescope ever built.