He also led development of Cornell's instrumentation for the Palomar Observatory Hale Telescope.
Royal Observatory, Greenwich | observatory | Royal Observatory | Paris Observatory | Palomar Observatory | Yerkes Observatory | Arecibo Observatory | Siding Spring Observatory | Mount Wilson Observatory | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | Observatory | Harvard College Observatory | Ondřejov Observatory | Lowell Observatory | Kew Observatory | Roque de los Muchachos Observatory | Pulkovo Observatory | Palomar | McDonald Observatory | Jodrell Bank Observatory | Chandra X-ray Observatory | Solar Dynamics Observatory | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | Las Campanas Observatory | European Southern Observatory | El Palomar, Buenos Aires | Allegheny Observatory | Vienna Observatory | United States Naval Observatory | Parkes Observatory |
It was discovered on March 26 1971 by Dutch astronomers Cornelis Johannes van Houten and Ingrid van Houten-Groeneveld on Palomar Schmidt plates taken by Tom Gehrels.
The asteroid was discovered on September 22, 1990 at Palomar Observatory and named for Alex Lifeson.
3199 Nefertiti (1982 RA) is a near-Earth Amor asteroid discovered on September 13, 1982 by husband and wife team Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker at Palomar.
9680 Molina (3557 P-L) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 22, 1960, by C.J. van Houten and I. van Houten-Groenefeld on plates taken by T. Gehrels with the Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory.
Her name has been given to the main-belt asteroid 7805 Moons, discovered in 1960 by Cornelis Johannes van Houten, Ingrid van Houten-Groeneveld and Tom Gehrels at Palomar Observatory.
In 1932, George Ellery Hale approached Corning with the challenge of fabricating the required optic for his Palomar Observatory project.
At first he flew his gliders near Palomar Mountain where his father was curator of the Palomar Observatory but later began flying at Torrey Pines Glider Port in La Jolla.
Albert George Wilson (1918–2002), American astronomer who worked at Palomar Observatory