
unusual facts about Death certificate

Death certificate

Missing persons and victims of mass disasters (such as the sinking of the RMS Lusitania) may be issued death certificates in one of these manners.

Race Rebels: Culture, Politics, and the Black Working Class

Kelley illustrates these facets by referencing the lyrics of Ice Cube, who in "A Bird in the Hand"—a track on 1991's Death Certificate—tells the story of a young man forced to sell crack to survive when the only job he can obtain after graduation is an underpaying one at McDonald's.

see also

Alese Coco

According to the California death certificate, Alese Coco died at UCLA on May 7, 2007 at 1:20 pm from respiratory failure, Aspergillus pneumonia and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Frank Paton

Angina pectoris was recorded as the cause of death on Frank Paton's death certificate, registered 19 November 1909 by his widow.

George Bingham, Lord Bingham

However, the Lord Chancellor, Lord Irvine of Lairg, was unable to issue Bingham with a writ of summons to the Lords without a death certificate for Lucan.

Georges Lefebvre

He coined the term "history from below", which was later popularised by the British Marxist Historians, and the phrase the "death certificate of the old order" to describe the Great Fear of 1789.

Harry Steppe

Pulmonary edema contributed to Steppe's death, according to his death certificate.

Jon Riley

Robert Ryal Miller, author of Shamrock and Sword (1989), found what appeared to be Riley's death certificate in book of burials No. 6, entry 133, of the then parish (now cathedral) of Veracruz

Leaton Rose

The band then recorded a four track demo, Choose to Love, Live or Die, which was later re-released as an EP by Final Prayer Records, who also released a Split EP in 2003 featuring two songs by I Killed the Prom Queen ("Homicide Documentaries" and "Death Certificate for a Beauty Queen").