His major research interest was in fish, but he was also given the responsibility of the crustacean collection from 1905 to 1921, and he wrote several significant papers on decapods.
Continuation of "Die Decapodon" from Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs (1898-1900)
As part of his duties at the Leiden museum he worked in other fields for instance on Decapoda.
Heinrich Balss (3 June 1886 – 17 September 1957) was a German zoologist, specialising in Crustacea, especially decapods.
Other fossil cetaceans have also been found in the area, as well as a fish, a diverse invertebrate fauna that includes molluscs, gastropods, marine diatoms, and Antarctica’s first Pliocene decapod crustacean.
Back at the laboratory, Professor Farnsworth examines a restrained Zoidberg, and determines that it is mating season for Zoidberg's species.
Decapoda |
Several animal groups studied in Australia consist largely of short-range endemics, including freshwater and terrestrial Gastropods (snails and slugs), earthworms, velvet worms, mygalomorph spiders, schizomids, millipedes, phreatoicidean crustaceans, and freshwater crayfish.