Today, Butterworth is a town suffering from decentralization with administrative and commercial centres shifted to nearby suburbs such as Seberang Jaya, Prai and Kepala Batas.
1900 BC, the centre of the Beaker Pottery returns to Bohemia, while in Iberia we see a decentralization of the phenomenon, with centres in Portugal but also in Los Millares and Ciempozuelos.
Later, he was Minister of Oil and then Minister-Delegate for Decentralization from 2008 to 2010 under Prime Minister Youssouf Saleh Abbas.
Its chairperson, John Baden, a past member of the National Petroleum Council, stresses decentralization: a shift of control from what he calls "Green platonic despots" in the federal government to "local interests".
Beginning in the late 1980s, the King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck pursued a long-time programme of decentralization.
The Human Be-In focused the key ideas of the 1960s counterculture: personal empowerment, cultural and political decentralization, communal living, ecological awareness, higher consciousness (with the aid of psychedelic drugs), acceptance of illicit drug use, and radical liberal political consciousness.
Currently located in Samseong-dong, Seoul, KEPCO headquarters is scheduled to relocate to the city of Naju in South Jeolla Province in August 2014 as part of a government decentralization program.
A Gaullist, she has a very critical eye on the driftage of the Fifth Republic, losing her regal substance such as a strong state or a centralized power because of decentralization and Maastricht Treaty which monopolizes the sovereignty and so transforms France as an area of the European continent and not a free nation.
ROAR's political orientation can be described as broadly libertarian socialist in outlook, combining elements of traditional anarchism and autonomism with the horizontalist, leaderless and decentralized spirit of the contemporary social movements.
As a trustee and an officer of the Board of Education of the Houston Independent School District (HISD) from 1989 to 1994, Paige coauthored the board's 'A Declaration of Beliefs and Visions', a statement of purpose and goals for the school district that called for fundamental reform through decentralization, a focus on instruction, accountability at all levels, and development of a core curriculum.
Since 1994, the sector has been gradually reformed through the creation of an autonomous regulatory agency, introduction of private sector participation, decentralization of the rural supply to 138 districts and increased community participation in the management of rural water systems.