
2 unusual facts about Deidamia


Achilles is immediately struck by the outstanding beauty of one of these women, Deidamia, and so agrees to disguise himself as a woman and live among the king's daughters in order to be near to her.

Paolo Antonio Rolli

During this period, he wrote librettos for numerous Italian operas including Handel's Floridante (1721), Muzio Scevola (1722), Riccardo Primo (1927) and Deidamia (1741).

Anna Bonitatibus

She has recorded several times under the direction of Alan Curtis; duets by Alessandro Scarlatti with Patrizia Ciofi, an album of Haydn arias L'infedeltà costante, and Handel operas; Elisa in Tolomeo, and the castrato role of Ulysses in Deidamia.

see also