
unusual facts about Delaunay triangulation

Alexander Tropsha

Research in his laboratory includes the development and application of k-nearest neighbor pattern recognition methods to the field of QSARs and application of the Delaunay tessellation technique to protein structure analysis.

J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software

The 2003 prize was awarded to Jonathan Shewchuk for Triangle, a two-dimensional mesh generator and Delaunay Triangulator.

Leonidas J. Guibas

The research contributions he is known for include finger trees, red-black trees, fractional cascading, the Guibas–Stolfi algorithm for Delaunay triangulation, an optimal data structure for point location, the quad-edge data structure for representing planar subdivisions, Metropolis light transport, and kinetic data structures for keeping track of objects in motion.

Pitteway triangulation

When such a triangulation exists it is a special case of the Delaunay triangulation, and consists of the union of the Gabriel graph and convex hull.

see also