Bill Gates (former Microsoft CEO) remembered it as "just something we were using in development and it wouldn't be available elsewhere".
Microsoft, while rebutting such criticisms, delayed the release of the 2002 version of its hallmark simulator to delete the World Trade Center from its New York scenery and even supplied a patch to delete the towers retroactively from earlier versions of the sim.
In theater, Brandt has acted in performances of Much Ado About Nothing with the Arizona Theatre Company, Control+Alt+Delete with the San Jose Repertory Theatre, Beth Henley's Ridiculous Fraud, Julia Cho's The Language Archive with South Coast Repertory, and Next Fall with Geffen Playhouse.
REST uses the HTTP methods POST, GET, PUT and DELETE for the four basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on all resources.
DaDaBIK is a commercial software (formerly GPL) written in PHP for quickly creating a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) database front-end or a simple database-driven application without coding.
"Service Automation Units" (code that expresses the service interface) may contain methods for all "CRUD" operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), as in traditional data operations, but data as a service is generally limited to Read.
On Unix-like systems, the delete key is usually mapped to ESC3~ which is the VT220 escape code for the "delete character" key.
It included Record Browser - CRUD engine, designed by Arkadiusz Bisaga (ethnar), which is a high-level database abstraction layer, handling not only Create/Read/Update/Delete operations, but also handling automatic pagination, lazy delete, full record history, sorting, filtering and more.
In SQL, general selections are performed by using WHERE
definitions with AND
, OR
, or NOT
operands in SELECT
, and DELETE
One can automatically generate a CRUD (create-read-update-delete) web-application from an existing database using the command-line tool seam-gen
supplied with the framework.
The layer provides the logic to handle those objects including CRUD-operations (create, read, update, delete).
R. K. Selvamani revealed that the court had actually said there is no need to delete the portions, which the earlier verdict wanted to be cut.
It has been involved in many campaigns, starting with the logging 'save or delete' campaign and currently in the Arctic off the coast of Greenland, protesting against an offshore drilling project by Cairn Energy.
MyBatis Generator will introspect a database table (or many tables) and generate MyBatis artifacts needed to perform CRUD operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete).
In a subsequent press conference Riewoldt claimed to have never met the girl and that the photo had been taken over a year prior, during an end-of-season trip, in Miami, Florida, by teammate Sam Gilbert, and that he had asked Gilbert to immediately delete the photo.
Along with showing selected files in Finder, it provides the ability to compress or delete files directly within the application.
Prosecutors claim that in April 2006, the two men tried to delete 218 computer programs from an IBM server known internally as "House 17".
--a good draft article for this man exists on a user page; please don't delete redlink--> son of the preceding; see also Cicero's speech Pro Flacco
This joke email claims to be authored by the Amish or other similar low-technology populations who have no computers, programming skills or electricity to create viruses and thus ask you to delete your own hard drive contents manually after forwarding the message to your friends.
World lines appeared in Jeffrey Rowland's webcomic Wigu Adventures as part of the "Magical Adventures in Space" side story line, in which Topato Potato and Sheriff Pony accidentally delete a world line relating to the initial creation of Earth from asteroids, causing the Earth to never have existed.