LaLaurie's house was subsequently sacked by an outraged mob of New Orleans citizens, and it is thought that she fled to Paris, where she is believed to have died.
Martineau wrote in 1838 that LaLaurie fled New Orleans during the mob violence that followed the fire, taking a coach to the waterfront and travelling by schooner from there to Mobile, Alabama and then on to Paris.
George Washington Cable recounted in 1888 a then-popular but unsubstantiated story that LaLaurie had died in France in a boar-hunting accident.
Grace King wrote in 1921 that the trip was Don Ramon's "military punishment", and that Delphine met the Queen, who was impressed by Delphine's beauty.
In the show, Delphine LaLaurie, a serial killer and socialite, tortures her slaves in horrible ways.
Delphine Py-Bilot | Delphine Ledoux | Delphine Zentout | Delphine LaLaurie | Delphine Djiraibe | Delphine de Girardin | Delphine Arnault |