
unusual facts about Deluge

Alexander Catcott

Wylie Sypher, "Chatterton's African Eclogues and the Deluge", PMLA 54 (1939) pp.

Anne Provoost

In the Shadow of the Ark (2001) is an account of the biblical story of Noah told from the perspective of a teenage girl who was not chosen to survive the deluge.

Dundee Harp F.C.

The match official, acknowledging that it was difficult for him to keep accurate details during such a deluge of goals, accepted the lower tally and wired the official score of 35–0 to SFA headquarters.

Flood myth

It has been postulated that the deluge myth in North America may be based on a sudden rise in sea levels caused by the rapid draining of prehistoric Lake Agassiz at the end of the last Ice Age, about 8,400 years ago.

Genesis flood narrative

By the eighth edition (1853–1860), the encyclopedia said of the Noah story, "The insuperable difficulties connected with the belief that all other existing species of animals were provided for in the ark are obviated by adopting the suggestion of Bishop Stillingfleet, approved by Matthew Poole...and others, that the Deluge did not extend beyond the region of the Earth then inhabited".

In 1823, William Buckland interpreted geological phenomena as Reliquiae Diluvianae: relics of the flood which "attested the action of a universal deluge".

Gerd von Hassler

His main interest was studying the legendary continent of Atlantis, which he discussed and documented in various publications such as his 1976 book Noahs Weg zum Amazonas (Noah's route to the Amazon), which was translated in English by the paranormal writer Martin Ebon under the title of The lost survivors of the deluge (1980).


Ghallooghaaraa is the Punjabi word for a holocaust, massacre, great destruction, deluge, genocide or slaughter.

Giambattista Gelli

In his historical writings, Gelli was influenced by the late 15th-century forgeries of Annio da Viterbo, which purported to provide evidence from ancient texts to show that Tuscany had been founded by Noah and his descendants after the Deluge.

Helena Kurcewiczówna

In "The Deluge" she is well known for her beauty, enough to make Bogusław Radziwiłł plan to abduct her.

Heretic Pride

According to Pitchfork Media, the album takes its title from Aura Noir's song "Black Deluge Night" (found on their 2004 album The Merciless) which contains the couplet "Soaring demons now swarm the skies/ In awe and heretic pride".

Holocene glacial retreat

Excavations in Iraq, for example, have shown evidence of a flood at Shuruppak around 2900-2750 BCE which extended nearly as far as the city of Kish (whose king, Etana, supposedly founded the first Sumerian dynasty after the Deluge).

Peter Blume

The Metamorphoses (1979) invoked the Greek legend of Deucalion and Pyrrha, who repopulated the earth after a deluge.


Other seedboxes are special purpose and run a variety of torrent specific software including web interfaces of popular clients like Transmission, rTorrent, Deluge, and μTorrent, as well as the TorrentFlux web interface clients.

Sigrid the Haughty

Karen Blixen, in the short story "The Deluge at Norderney" in Seven Gothic Tales, refers to Sigrid, claiming that she invited all her suitors to her house and burned them in order to discourage other suitors.

Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Power Station

By storing most of the deluge it spared towns downstream, including Lesterville and Centerville, from a damaging flood.

The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge

The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge is an 1829 painting by English-born American artist Thomas Cole depicting the aftermath of the Great Flood.

The Voyage of the Beagle

FitzRoy's account includes Remarks with reference to the Deluge in which he recanted his earlier interest in the geological writings of Charles Lyell and his remarks to Darwin during the expedition that sedimentary features they saw "could never have been effected by a forty days' flood", asserting his renewed commitment to a literal reading of the Bible.

Typhoon Haikui

The head of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) compared the deluge to the Kevin Costner film Waterworld.

Winifred Knights

Amongst her most notable works are The Marriage at Cana produced for the British School at Rome, which is now in the National Art Gallery of New Zealand in Wellington and her winning Rome Scholarship entry The Deluge which is now held by Tate Britain.

see also