Buddy Stewart (né Albert James Byrne, Jr; 1922 in Derry, New Hampshire — 1 February 1950 Deming, New Mexico) was an American jazz singer.
Wright died in an automobile accident at the age of 31 near Deming, New Mexico, while serving on a commission establishing new parks along the Mexican border.
In 1994 the Independence County movement was based in Deming, Washington, organized by Doug Howard, a preacher, retail landowner, and mortgage lender.
W. Edwards Deming | Deming | Deming, New Mexico | Deming Prize | Richard Deming | Deming, Washington | Deming Glacier | David Deming |
In 1938, Samuel Wilks became editor-in-chief of the Annals and recruited a remarkable editorial staff: Fisher, Neyman, Cramér, Hotelling, Egon Pearson, Georges Darmois, Allen T. Craig, Deming, von Mises, H. L. Rietz, and Shewhart.
The Hobbit: An Illustrated Edition of the Fantasy Classic (with writers Chuck Dixon and Sean Deming; Eclipse Comics, 1989; Ballantine Books, 1990; Del Ray Books, 2001) ISBN 0-345-44560-0
Practices that prevent as many defects as possible through a Deming-inspired approach that promotes reducing the opportunity for error via root cause analysis.
He escaped from his prison camp in Deming, New Mexico, at the war's end because he was afraid of being turned over to the Soviets.
In June 2004, with the support of staff from the Deming Library, a branch of the Whatcom County Library System, she refused to provide information requested by a visiting FBI agent regarding a patron's use of a book on Osama bin Laden.
He is a direct descendant of Elizabeth Deming and Nathaniel Foote, who settled Wethersfield, Connecticut, in 1636.
While billed as a kids' show, Deming's sly sense of humor often flew over the heads of children, which might explain why a TV2 ratings poll in 1971 showed that about one-third of his audience were adults.
The company was awarded the prestigious Deming Application Prize by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).
Four years later, in May 1970, she joined the ATWT cast as Deming (and her later married names Hughes Stallings Andropoulos Frazier) until her exit from the serial on Christmas Day 1981.
However, it would not be until 1038 that the Tangut chieftain Li Yuanhao, Li Deming's son, who also ordered the creation of a Tangut writing system and the translation of Chinese classics into Tangut, named himself emperor of Da Xia, and demanded of the Song emperor recognition as an equal.