A coalition of four pre-existing groups formed in Paris in 1985 in opposition to both opposition leader Goukouni Oueddei and President Hissène Habré, and dominated by southern Chadians, it was led by the general Negue Djogo.
Democratic Party (United States) | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Democratic Party | Social Democratic Party of Germany | New Democratic Party | Democratic-Republican Party | Democratic-Republican Party (United States) | Social Democratic Party | Chad | Democratic National Committee | Western Front | New Democratic Party (Canada) | Eastern Front (World War II) | Western Front (World War I) | National Front | Eastern Front | Chad Smith | Democratic National Convention | Democratic Unionist Party | Democratic Party (Italy) | Ontario New Democratic Party | Democratic Action Party | Students for a Democratic Society | Social Democratic Party (UK) | The Front Page | Swedish Social Democratic Party | Popular Democratic Party | Movement for Democratic Change | Independent Democratic Union | Liberal Democratic Party (Japan) |