
unusual facts about Democratic Left

Elect the Lords

Elect The Lords is a campaign established in September 2004 by the New Politics Network - a successor group to the Democratic Left - and Charter88 calling for the United Kingdom House of Lords to be replaced by a predominantly elected upper house.

Democrats, Laicists, Socialists

It was founded in April 2007 by those Democrats of the Left who supported the motion of Gavino Angius at the party last congress, but decided not to follow their leader in the Democratic Left and to participate to the foundation of the Democratic Party instead.

New Italian Socialist Party

In October, after a consensual separation between the two groups and the foundation of the Socialist Party by Boselli, De Michelis, Craxi, Turci and splinters from Democratic Left (including Gavino Angius and Valdo Spini), the group of De Michelis changed name into Socialist Party (coherently with name of the future party), while the group of Caldoro retained the party's name and decided to change the symbol.

Panhellenic Socialist Movement

However PASOK decided to help the formation of a government by joining with New Democracy as well as the Democratic Left of Fotis Kouvelis in a coalition under Prime Minister Samaras.

Say Left

It was founded in April 2007 by those Democrats of the Left who supported the motion of Fabio Mussi at the party last congress, but decided not to follow their leader in the Democratic Left and to participate to the foundation of the Democratic Party instead.

see also

Necdet Karababa

He was elected leader of the Democratic Left Party at its general assembly held on March 7, 1988 following the resignation and leaving the politics of Bülent Ecevit some time before.

Red-green alliance

Left Ecology Freedom: initially a successor of sorts in Italy to The Left - The Rainbow, also comprising the Federation and the Greens and Democratic Left, along with former-communist Movement for the Left and Unite the Left, and the Italian Socialist Party, a centrist social-democratic party.