
unusual facts about Democrazia Cristiana

Giuseppe Castellano

The plan was to stage Nasi as a candidate for High Commissioner for Sicily to oppose the favourite, the Christian Democrat Salvatore Aldisio.

Mario Maiolo

Inizia la militanza politica all'interno del movimento studentesco cattolico cosentino per poi aderire alla Democrazia Cristiana e, al suo scioglimento, al Partito Popolare Italiano, ricoprendo la carica di primo segretario cittadino di Cosenza.

Mazzarino Friars

Despite the public prosecutor quickly managed to gather many unquestionable evidence and accounts about the role of the friars, clerical supporters (mostly linked to the Democrazia Cristiana Church and other Catholic institutions), led by the Palermo Archbishop Ernesto Ruffini, promptly stated that the friars were innocent victims of a trap by anti-Catholic forces.

National Liberation Committee

It was created by the Italian Communist Party, the Italian Socialist Party, the Partito d'Azione (a republican liberal socialist party), Democrazia Cristiana (the Catholic party), the Labour Democratic Party and the Italian Liberal Party, took control of the movement, in accordance with King Victor Emmanuel III's ministers and the Allies.

see also