Two grandsons (Rohan and Madhav) and son-in-law (Vijay Tankha) of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh were admitted to the private ward of AIIMS for suspected dengue fever.
In an awareness drive, Shahbaz Sharif himself arrived at local universities to hand out pamphlets on dengue fever and prevention.
Until a few hundred years ago dengue virus was transmitted in sylvatic cycles in Africa and Asia between mosquitoes of the genus Aedes and non-human primates with rare emergences into human populations.
Ongoing fieldwork projects include clinical and biological studies of severe dengue, a pediatric cohort study of dengue transmission in Managua, and a project on evidence-based, community-derived interventions for prevention of dengue via control of its mosquito vector.
Specially due to drying potholes and pits, which host diseases like Malaria and Dengue.