In the background of these phenomena, which can rightly be named "pathologies", Denis Duclos (who worked with the British anthropologist Mary Douglas) built a theory of cultural fields, of their conversational structure (counterpoint to the tendency to domination observed by Pierre Bourdieu).
Saint-Denis | Denis Diderot | Saint-Ouen, Seine-Saint-Denis | Denis Leary | Denis | Seine-Saint-Denis | Claire Denis | Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis | Denis Halliday | Denis Healey | Charles Denis Bourbaki | Ruth St. Denis | Maurice Denis | Denis Thatcher | Denis Sassou Nguesso | Denis McLoughlin | Siméon Denis Poisson | Saint-Denis, Réunion | Gare d'Estrées-Saint-Denis | Denis Smith | Denis Piel | Denis Lawson | Denis Johnson | Denis Boyles | Basilica of St Denis | Villepinte, Seine-Saint-Denis | Saint Denis Street | Saint-Denis, Quebec | Saint-Denis-lès-Martel | Neil Denis |