At the Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, Lerner curated several exhibitions, including new projects with Christian Marclay and Dennis Adams, and was the originating curator for the film installation Baltimore by Isaac Julien.
After two non title wins, he lost the title, and suffered his first career defeat, when he was knocked out in the first round by Dennis Adams on 1 July of the same year.
All three are still in existence, including the car used in Clockwork Orange Dennis Adams has recently revealed in an interview that he had sold the car used in the Clockwork Orange in 1971 to sponsor his move to the United States.
Dennis Adams OAM was commissioned, to create the memorial, by the Royal Australian Regiment Association, the funds acquired through subscriptions from members and friends, supplemented by a gift of $3,000 from the Government of South Korea.
John Adams | Dennis Hopper | Bryan Adams | Douglas Adams | John Quincy Adams | Ansel Adams | Dennis Quaid | Dennis the Menace | Dennis Rodman | Ryan Adams | Adams | Dennis Miller | Adams County | Dennis Potter | Dennis Haysbert | Dennis the Menace (1959 TV series) | Dennis Kucinich | Yolanda Adams | Gerry Adams | Dennis Morgan | Dennis Lillee | Dennis Dart | Amy Adams | John Adams (composer) | Dennis Prager | Dennis Oppenheim | Scott Adams | Patch Adams | Dennis Waterman | Dennis Green |
Her writings on artists such as Marina Abramović, Dennis Adams, Shimon Attie, Tony Labat, Inigo Manglane-Ovalle, Michael Rakowitz, and Andrea Zittel has formed the basis for public art studies – an academic branch of art history and visual culture.