The novels set in 1868 center around young inventor Frank Rude, Jr., (a parody of dime novel hero Frank Reade, Jr.), his cousin Charlie Bull, his sister Inanna Rude, Denver Doll the Detective Queen, the orphans PS and Kurt Wagner, Bessie Little the Masked Rider, photographer Eadweard Muybridge, and the detective and vigilante the Woman in Black.
Denver | Denver Broncos | John Denver | University of Denver | Denver Art Museum | Denver Nuggets | The Denver Post | A Doll's House | University of Colorado Denver | Denver International Airport | Bob Denver | Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad | Taxi Doll | Steve Doll | Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Denver | One-Eyed Doll | Denver Mint | Denver International Airport Automated Guideway Transit System | Denver City, Texas | Denver Center for the Performing Arts | Baby Doll | Union Station (Denver) | Thomas Denver Jonsson | The Sandman: The Doll's House | The Doll Squad | The Doll's House | The Big Doll House | Seniora Doll | My Living Doll | Kent Denver School |