
3 unusual facts about Deobandi

Darul Uloom, Birmingham

Many of the teachers have qualified from the renowned Al-Azhar University in Egypt, with Masters and PhDs, in addition to their Alim and Hafiz qualifications from their own countries, under the Deobandi system.

Ehsan Ilahi Zahir

Zahir also wrote on the Christian, Jews and the Hindus, as well as on the Deobandi Hanafis,

New Age Islam

In addition, it also publishes conservative views of Deobandi Wahhabi scholars such as Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi, and translates opinion pieces from the Urdu press.


Deobandi |

Madrassas in Pakistan

Most madrassas in Pakistan cater to the dominant Sunni sect, having maximum Deobandi schools, with an estimated 4-10% madrassas serving the minority Shia population.

There are five major governing bodies of Pakistani madrassas and their corresponding schools of thought are: Tanzim-ul-Madaras (Barelwi), Wafaq-ul-Madaras (Deobandi), Wafaq-ul-Madaras (Shia), Wafaq-ul-Madaras (Ahle Hadith) and Rabita-ul-Madaris (Jamaat-e-Islami).

Riaz Basra

In 1996, Basra, along with Akram Lahori a.k.a. Muhammad Ajmal and Malik Ishaq was a founder of the Deobandi Sunni militant organization Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

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