
3 unusual facts about Derventa

Borisav Stanković

During World War I he resided in Niš, then in Montenegro where he was taken captive by the Austrians and incarcerated in a PoW camp in Derventa in Bosnia.

Milan Gorkić

As good student, he continued high school education in Derventa, but soon left the school because of the World War.

Sulejman Medenčević

Sulejman "Suki" Medenčević (born 29 October 1963, Derventa, Yugoslavia, presently in Bosnia and Herzegovina) is an internationally recognized cinematographer and producer, winner of Best Cinematography Award at 2005 Valencia Festival of Mediterranean Cinema.


Derventa |


Elta Kabel services are available in the following Bosnian cities: Prijedor, Kozarska Dubica, Banja Luka, Teslić, Doboj, Derventa, Zvornik, Šekovići, Trebinje, Istočno Sarajevo, Bileća, Bratunac, Sokolac, Čajniče, Foča, Kneževo, Ljubija and Petrovo.

see also