
unusual facts about Desaparecidos


Antonio Baseotto

Besides the usage of scripture (widely acknowledged as inappropriate even by other Catholic bishops), Baseotto was heavily criticized because this "punishment" echoes the infamous vuelos de la muerte ("flights of death") whereby prisoners of the last military regime were dumped into the Atlantic Ocean from planes.

Azucena Villaflor

Azucena Villaflor (7 April 1924, Avellaneda –- 10 December 1977) was an Argentine social activist, and one of the founders of the human rights association called Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, which looked for desaparecidos (victims of forced disappearance during Argentina's Dirty War).

Freemen of the South Movement

In the Argentine general election, 2007, the movement had two of its members elected as national representatives in the Lower House of the Argentine National Congress, Cecilia Merchan and Victoria Donda, daughter of desaparecidos.

Héctor Bidonde

His roles for director Héctor Olivera as the scheming Suprino in Funny Dirty Little War (1983) and as Dr. Falcone, the father of a student abducted by the police in the fact-based Night of the Pencils (1986) made him prominent in Argentine film.

Silvia Quintela

Silvia Quintela (1948 – 1977) was an Argentine doctor who became one of the best-known victims among "the disappeared" during 1976–83 military dictatorship.

Susana Blaustein Muñoz

She directed four films since she started her career in 1980, and produced one of them, the documentary Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo (1985, with co-director Lourdes Portillo), about the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo who looked for their disappeared children during the Dirty War.

Zack Nipper

He has designed several album covers by bands such as Bright Eyes, Criteria, Georgie James and Desaparecidos.

see also