
unusual facts about Devnya

Devnya Municipality

It is named after its administrative centre - the town of Devnya.


Devnya |

Varna-Devnya Industrial Complex

Some of the largest companies based here are: Solvay-Sodi (Солвей-Соди), part of Solvay, Agropolichim (Агрополихим), part of the Acid & Fertilizers Group, Polimeri (Полимери АД), part of AKB Fores, Devnya-Cement (Девня-Цимент), part of Italcementi, Thermal Power Plant Deven (Девен AД), part of Solvay, Thermal Power Plant Varna (ТЕЦ Варна, (1260 MW), part of the ČEZ Group.

see also