Since October 2007 construction works have started on a new railroad between Schaarbeek and Mechelen on the central reservation of the E 19 (Belgian A1) with the purpose of improving the train connection between Antwerp, Brussels Airport and Brussels.
Manhattan Project | Project Runway | Project Mercury | Human Genome Project | The Blair Witch Project | Project Gemini | Project Greenlight | Project Nike | Project Blue Book | Federal Art Project | Project Orion | Men's Recovery Project | Eden Project | World Justice Project | Wounded Warrior Project | The Octopus Project | The Alan Parsons Project | Project Xanadu | Gotan Project | German nuclear energy project | Tony Hawk's Project 8 | The Spamhaus Project | The Mindy Project | Project Pluto | Project management | project management | Project Grudge | Project Athena | Investigative Project on Terrorism | Hello! Project |