
8 unusual facts about The Blair Witch Project

2009 Latvian meteorite hoax

The deliberately amateur style of the video, with shaky handheld camerawork and apparently spontaneous reactions from the students, has been compared to The Blair Witch Project.

General Cemetery

Attempting to follow the found footage style, Fernández-Moris influenced the film story by Paranormal Activity, Cloverfield, REC and The Blair Witch Project.

Sex Sells: The Making of Touché

It was filmed as a faux documentary, in the same style as The Blair Witch Project and Cannibal Holocaust.

The Bogus Witch Project

The Bogus Witch Project is a 2000 comedy film satirizing The Blair Witch Project.

The Tony Blair Witch Project

The Tony Blair Witch Project is a 2000 horror spoof of The Blair Witch Project which also pokes fun at then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair.

This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get

The song "The Order of Death" appears on the soundtrack of the movie, The Blair Witch Project, and the 1990 science fiction film, Hardware.

Totally Fucked Up

The technique becomes popular throughout 1990s film, evident also in such later works as Reality Bites (1994) American Beauty (1999) and The Blair Witch Project (1999).

Zieper v. Metzinger

The film was similar in its fictional portrayal of supposedly real events to The War of the Worlds and The Blair Witch Project.

Feast of the Blood Monsters

The album features many popular culture references throughout such as how track 10 is a quote from the film Home Alone, the female screaming audio clip in "Murders Come with Smiles" is from the film The Blair Witch Project and the end of the album features an audio sample from Mortal Kombat II.

The Objective

The Objective is a 2008 science fiction horror film directed by Daniel Myrick who also directed The Blair Witch Project and Believers, starring Jonas Ball, Matthew R. Anderson, and Michael C. Williams.

Time perception

Students were shown extracts from films known to induce fear (horror movies such as The Blair Witch Project, Scream, The Shining) or sadness (dramas such as City of Angels, Philadelphia, or Dangerous Minds).

see also