
6 unusual facts about Diadema


Damon diadema, a species of arachnid, sometimes known as the tailless whip scorpion

Sinea diadema, a species of the assassin bug family, native to North America

Economy of São Paulo

Heavy metallurgical plants located in nearby Taubaté, oil refineries and chemical plants in Cubatão, and plants manufacturing motor vehicles, transportation equipment, and farm machinery in Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, and Diadema make large contributions to production.

Music of Kosovo

During parallel governance (1989–1999) and after the 1999 war in Kosovo several new bands emerged, among which most famous are Diadema, KEK ("Kreativ e jo Komercial" = Crative and not commercial), 7me7, The Hithat, Cute Babulja, Por-no, Gre3n, Retrovizorja.

The most notable Albanian rock bands are: Gjurmët, Diadema, Jericho, Offchestra, Toxin, Purgatory, Minatori, Trix, Troja, Votra, Humus, Asgjë Sikur Dielli, Gillespie, Kthjellu, Cute Babulja, Babilon, Bloody Foreigners etc.

Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Now, the university has six campuses, the oldest in Vila Clementino, in São Paulo (Health) and four more in Guarulhos (Humanities area), Diadema (Science, Engineering and related), Santos (Health), São José dos Campos (computational area) and Osasco (Business and related).

see also